As a group, we decided to stick with the Crime genre. Although we have decided to have a Crime genre for our two minute opening, we are not sure which other genre to merge it with; I am thinking we should merge our Crime genre with Adventure, since that appeals to every person on the group and we all have good ideas for the beginning to our two minute opening. I have researched characteristics of genres and found a great source (also attached below) that will aid our group in coming to a decision as to which genre to focus on.
For the beginning of the two minute opener Guste and Lucie had the idea of a 25 year old man by the name of Harry waking up on a roof early one morning. This man does not know who he is, where he is, or how he got there. When he wakes up he meets a homeless man, Jeff, who was also sleeping on the roof. Jeff says that Harry has done something terrible, and that he hold all the answers. So the story is about Harry discovering himself and what he has done with the help of his new homeless friend, Jeff. I like many parts of this idea, but I do not like that how Harry does not know who he is or where he is. I feel like that has been done too many times and would be cheesy if we did it. This idea would focus on a Crime/Adventure genre so I feel like we could work well with it.
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